Hey there, Beautiful

Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, struggling to keep up with the demands of your busy life? Do you wake up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts, making it harder to get out of bed in the morning? Are you relying on caffeine or sugar to power through your day, only to crash in the afternoon and feel drained by evening?

If you’re navigating the peaks and valleys of perimenopause, craving relief from the constant energy dips, mood swings, and digestive issues, I hear you! I too have been navigating the peaks and valleys and it hasn’t been easy.  So bad that it got to the point that my hormonal fluctuations had me confined to my bed and vomiting every 20 minutes at times.

I had no quality of life and the symptoms were becoming unbearable. I had to look over my life and give notice to some of my habits that were changeable, and would help me cope with the day to day as well as the inevitable bodily changes that us women go through.

I was dying for a way to reclaim my life and happiness. Looking for that THRVING woman I had always known.


Hi! I'm Dr. Dani

and I understand how it can feel to wake up one day and realize that things just aren’t how they used to be in so many ways.


Restless Nights: Frequent awakenings with racing thoughts.

Lack of Motivation: Making it harder to get out of bed in the morning.

Energy Slumps: An inability to sustain energy for your daily tasks.

Dependence on Stimulants: Craving caffeine to get through the day.

I understand that you love everything you do, but as time goes on, it’s becoming harder to keep up. The fatigue leads to skipped workouts and grabbing the quickest food options for yourself and maybe even your family. You’re overwhelmed by daily tasks and managing the ups and downs of life, and it’s now a monumental challenge to uphold all the things you once did with ease. But,

You're Not Alone

There are so many women who are experiencing the same shifts as you.

And with all the shame many women feel around saying the word MENOPAUSE stops so many from receiving the help they truly need.


You may be overwhelmed and confused because..

Conflicting Information: The internet and media are flooded with conflicting advice about what perimenopausal women should eat, how they should exercise, and which supplements to take.

Changing Bodies: Hormonal fluctuations during perimenopause cause changes in metabolism, weight distribution, and energy levels, making it difficult to understand what your bodies need. Foods and exercises that once worked may no longer have the same effect, leading to confusion about which nutritional and fitness strategies to adopt.

Lack of Personalized Guidance: Many perimenopausal women do not have access to personalized health and nutrition advice tailored to their unique symptoms and lifestyle. Everyday health advice may not address specific issues you experience like night sweats, mood swings, or weight gain, making it hard to develop an effective self-care plan.

Disconnect from Body Wisdom: Do you listen to your body? Many perimenopausal women struggle to trust their body’s signals due to years of following advice from others, leading to a disconnect from their own body wisdom. Instead of listening to your body’s cues for rest, hunger, or specific food cravings, you may follow rigid diet plans or exercise regimes that do not align with your actual needs, causing further confusion and frustration.

Busy Lifestyle: Are you running from point A to B? Balancing work, family, and personal time leaves little room for researching and implementing health and nutrition plans.

Misunderstanding Nutritional Needs as we Age: Nutritional needs change during perimenopause, including the need for more calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients. Many women continue to eat the same way they did in their 30s, not realizing that their bodies now require different nutrients to support bone health, hormone balance, and overall well-being.

Working with Danielle has been enlightening! Before working with Danielle I put others before myself, lacked sleep, and was just surviving the day to day. After our time together I had a clear picture of what was happening in my life. Sticking to the plan that Danielle and I created together made a significant difference in not only my mind and body, but also my career.

~Latoya G

So Let's Take the First Step Together

You have a grand vision for your life and are excited about the future. You know that to achieve your next steps, you need someone who can support and uphold your vision for your life and business with the same level of intention, ambition, and passion that you have. I will be here to:

Offer a caring, down-to-earth approach to help you navigate this transitional phase of life.

Work together to develop personalized strategies that address your unique physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Empower you to reclaim your vitality and balance, so you can pursue your dreams with renewed energy and passion.

~ Florence G.

When I started working with Dani I was at the verge of giving up because I was not seeing any hope in my business. Dani helped me find purpose and steered me in the right direction in my business and life. Through her resources, I have started working on my goals which have been eye-opening and motivating. The lessons I have learnt are both applying to my personal and business life. . I know my success is a process as long as I am doing my part. Thank you, Dani!

So, if you are ready to transform your life with a unique plan and and don’t mind an honest person to keep you accountable.

Then I am pleased to invite you to:


A 6-Week Transformative Journey to Wellness and Vitality for Perimenopausal Women

THRIVE is a program for busy, ambitious woman who are experiencing life changes that make it increasingly difficult to maintain the energy it takes to keep up with the demands of your daily life, feel good in your body, and THRIVE not just survive. 

 This isn’t just another wellness program; it’s a personalized, holistic approach to rediscovering YOU. Imagine waking up refreshed, energized, and ready to embrace each day with confidence and clarity.

During our time together, we will go through 3 phases:

PHASE 1: Foundation and Awareness
(Weeks 1-2)

Understanding Perimenopause

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of perimenopause, its symptoms, and its effects on the body and mind.
  • Educate yourself on the hormonal changes occurring and how they impact overall health.

Personal Assessment

  • Conduct a detailed self-assessment to identify specific symptoms, lifestyle habits, and individual needs.
  • Set realistic wellness goals based on your assessment and desired outcomes.
  • Explain how the position of celestial energies can contribute to your day to day well-being.

Nutrition Basics

  • Learn the fundamentals of balanced nutrition tailored to perimenopausal women, including essential nutrients and food groups.
  • Start implementing small dietary changes to support hormonal balance and overall health.

Mindfulness and Stress Management:

  • Introduce mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, to manage stress and enhance mental clarity.
  • Begin incorporating daily mindfulness activities to create a sense of calm and focus.

PHASE 2:Embodiment:
(Weeks 3-4)

Implementation and Growth

Customized Nutrition Plan

  • Develop and follow a personalized nutrition plan that addresses specific symptoms and supports overall well-being.
  • Incorporate nutrient-dense foods and balanced meals to stabilize energy levels and reduce cravings.

Exercise & Movement

  • Establish a regular exercise routine that includes a mix of cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
  • Learn how to modify exercises to suit your fitness level and reduce the risk of injury.

Emotional Well-being

  • Explore techniques for managing mood swings, anxiety, and other emotional challenges associated with perimenopause.
  • Practice self-compassion and self-care activities to nurture emotional health.

Support Systems

  • Engage with the program’s community for emotional support and motivation.
  • Participate in group discussions and/or one-on-one coaching sessions to share experiences and gain insights.

PHASE 3: Energetics
(Weeks 5-6)

Empowerment and Sustainability

Long-term Fitness Goals

  • Set long-term fitness goals and develop a sustainable exercise routine that you enjoy and can maintain.
  • Explore new physical activities or classes to keep your routine engaging and effective.

Emotional Resilience

  • Strengthen emotional resilience through continued mindfulness practices and emotional support strategies.
  • Learn coping mechanisms for dealing with life’s challenges and maintaining emotional balance.

Holistic Self-Care

  • Integrate holistic self-care practices into your daily routine, including regular relaxation techniques and self-reflection.
  • Focus on activities that bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.

Review and Reflect

  • Review your progress and reflect on the changes and improvements you’ve made throughout the program.
  • Celebrate your achievements and set new goals for continued growth and wellness beyond the program.


Weekly sessions via Zoom

where we strategize on how to tackle your challenges

A personalized roadmap for your journey

so that you know exactly what's ahead in your journey.

A personalized workout plan that suits your lifestyle

so you can workout when it is best for you with a workout style that fits your lifestyle and personality

Priority access to me via Slack

so you can connect with me anytime you have questions, need some help, or just want to share your wins!

Unlimited guidance and support

so you no longer feel confused or overwhelmed when making a decision

Client only access to all my templates

to help outline your goals and maximize your efforts timely.

THRIVE is for you if:

THRIVE is NOT for you if:



Every move I make is intended for you to succeed. I am extremely passionate about ALL that I do. This is not just a hobby for me. It is what I LOVE. 

I thrive off of helping others reach success, and take great joy in seeing them make a life for themselves and their families.

It is my mission to help as many women as possible thrive, revive, and feel energized.


I am not just a dreamer but a leader who has trained and mentored others into high level corporate positions.

I have undergone rigorous training to certify in life, health, and astrology practices, and degree programs that have prepared me to excel in many avenues of my own personal life and business.

So no worries my dear friend, trust that when we work together your vision for yourself and family are in great hands.


I am here for you!

I have your back and will provide the support you need to accomplish your goals.

With me having your best interest at heart everything I recommend or share with you about your health and wellness will be to meet the ultimate goal.

Rest assured, all recommendations from me come from a place of love and with full integrity. I got you!



